After a night of my favorite food indulgence: 3 pieces of pizza. I usually wake up with what I have termed over the years, a "food-hangover". I would wake up tired, headachey, grumpy, my eyes would be puffy and my body could not wake up.
Last night was the ultimate test. I ate 3 pieces of gluten-free pizza at 7p and then like I enjoy doing(beacause pizza always tastes sooooo good), I ate three small squares at 10:30 pm before bed. I woke up at 6:40 am still full from the night before, but not groggy or bloated. My eyes aren't swollen and my head isn't throbbing. I am overly excited about this revelation.
I know it is not good to eat right before bed, but I am testing my body to see how it reacts. I really had to find out.
Because of my food-hangovers, I had a policy for about 4 years that I didn't eat after 8p. Then I lost 30 lbs of weight fast and I did not know why, so trying to gain weight, I changed my "no late night eatting" policy and have found that I enjoy eatting late. I didn't however, like the "morning after" feeling.
Now I believe the food hangover feeling is all because I eat wheat based foods late at night. It has probably been this way for years and I am just putting two and two together.
A big thank you to the gal at my business Seminar a couple weeks ago for saying your gluten-free diet eliminated your indigestion. I never would have put two and two together if it weren't for that small statement that made such a difference to me.
Have a happy, not bloated, not swollen Monday.
Last night was the ultimate test. I ate 3 pieces of gluten-free pizza at 7p and then like I enjoy doing(beacause pizza always tastes sooooo good), I ate three small squares at 10:30 pm before bed. I woke up at 6:40 am still full from the night before, but not groggy or bloated. My eyes aren't swollen and my head isn't throbbing. I am overly excited about this revelation.
I know it is not good to eat right before bed, but I am testing my body to see how it reacts. I really had to find out.
Because of my food-hangovers, I had a policy for about 4 years that I didn't eat after 8p. Then I lost 30 lbs of weight fast and I did not know why, so trying to gain weight, I changed my "no late night eatting" policy and have found that I enjoy eatting late. I didn't however, like the "morning after" feeling.
Now I believe the food hangover feeling is all because I eat wheat based foods late at night. It has probably been this way for years and I am just putting two and two together.
A big thank you to the gal at my business Seminar a couple weeks ago for saying your gluten-free diet eliminated your indigestion. I never would have put two and two together if it weren't for that small statement that made such a difference to me.
Have a happy, not bloated, not swollen Monday.
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