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Yoga for your Health-a-licious Body, Mind and Soul

     The beautiful thing about being Health-a-licious is that it can take place in your body, mind or soul or all at the same time. I often focus on body and mind because that is where I find I am most deficient. I have always had a strong faith and feel my soul is filled on a daily basis through prayer, reflection and meditation.

     Yoga, takes the Health-a-licious trio to a new level. It works your body and slows down your mind. In yoga, the term "Monkey Mind", defines a mind that won't slow down. It has been said that our mind thinks 48.6 thoughts per minute. An average of 3,300 thoughts per hour and 70,000 thoughts per day. '

     It is easy for us to be Human-Doings. It is our nature to "do" all day long. It is difficult to be a Human-Being and just be: even for a few moments throughout the day. A yoga instructor is your "tour-guide" to being-ness. A great instructor will help you get your body tired enough in 55 minutes to allow your mind to slow down for 5. You will find those rare moments of thoughtlessness: moments when your mind goes somewhere and when it comes back, you wonder where it was.

“Yoga is not a religion. It is a science, science of well-being, science of youthfulness, science of integrating body, mind and soul.” 

    I have been the consummate athlete. I was the big fish in my little pond wherever I have been in the world. Growing older takes way the ability to be the best that you used to be. Yoga gives you an opportunity to grow without stripping you of your past successes. I have seen many a football player, weight lifter, runner and military veteran in yoga classes.

    So let's talk body. In a yoga practice they said the mind is connected to the body and the body to the mind. So what is happening with your body occurs in the mind first. We could get very philosophical here and wax poetic, but I will let you figure out what that means to you. What is means to me is that I need to calm my mind and figure out what it is trying to tell me. I need to discover how I feel about things that happen throughout my day and my week. My meditation is prayer focused. Yoga is ME focused. When I focus on me, I can be a better human for everyone in my space.

I hope today has inspired you to be the best you can be today!

Have a Health-a-licious Day!


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