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What I Have Gained and What I Have Lost Being Gluten-Free for 3 1/2 Years

        Gluten -Free is definitely a lifestyle. Like it or not you once you claim a gluten-free life, you have differentiated yourself from most of society. Some people have gone gluten-free due to GMO issues. Some because of the awful Celiac Disease. I personally decided to go gluten-free because of a nerve disorder that began taking charge of my life, Chronic Migraine Syndrome. Whatever your reason or your family members reason, know that we do it for the "Health-of-It". It is a difficult journey not only for you, but for those around you.
         Sometimes family members feel they need to tip-toe around the subject. Most times, they want you to know that they understand your needs and want to accommodate you. If you are like me, deep inside, it bothers you immensely and hurts your heart that others feel they need to adjust their lifestyle for you. After a few years, people close to you begin to adapt their thinking and understand that a GF diet is a normal part of your life. Below is a list of my gains and losses regarding gluten-free eating for 3 1/2 years. I hope you can relate.


  • Weight-Contrary to belief, a GF diet can be higher in calories for the same amount of food consumption. Most GF breads are 100 to 120 calories per slice compared to wheat breads that are 60-90 calories per slice.
  • Knowledge and Understanding - I have a higher appreciation for people who are allergic to foods or have any kind of food sensitivity.
  • Must Read Every Ingredient Label - Unless a product is labeled GF, I must read the ingredients. As a non-GF person, you would never think that wheat is in ice cream. Well, it is. Or soy sauce. Which means wheat is also in beef or turkey jerky. Most foods that are labeled "Teriyaki" are off-limits to a GF person. Even some vitamins contain wheat. 


  • Allergy Symptoms - No more watery eyes everyday. No more runny nose every time I bend over to pick up something. 
  • Food Cravings - I had no idea that I craved bread because I was sensitive to it. Crazy weird. I no longer have the need to drive to the store because I have to have a bagel or baguette. 
  • Restroom Proximity - Gone are the days where I need to know where a restroom is everywhere I travel. 
  • New Friends - That can totally relate to my issues.
  • Food Hangovers - I did not realize what was happening at the time, but I called them food hangovers. After a meal later at night, (meaning 9 pm or 10 pm),  I would wake up with an excruciating migraine. I do not drink alcohol, so I knew the headache was not alcohol related. 
  • The Ability to Eat at Any Restaurant - This is very sad. Most places now, can compensate for GF sensitive eaters, however they can not compensate for Celiac Disease. A few places in my area can. One is My Pie. (They specifically have a special location within the store that no gluten touches and you make your own pizza with a GF crust.  312 in German town, Nashville, TN. They also make their own GF crust on-site. 

I am sure I am missing some losses and gains that you all have had. Please comment and share below. I want to understand your journey too.

Have a Happy Health-a-licious Day!


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