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Showing posts from December, 2016

Sugar Cravings, Detox and More

So my hubby was selected by his company to be a lead in a certain group which meant he would be traveling for 4 days. Perfect, I thought. I will only eat vegies or fruit, and drink coffee, tea or water. My fav foods are vegies and fruit. I know I need protein so I eat it, but if I didn't have to I wouldn't eat it everyday. I love, vegies, fruit and desert. In fact one of my fav meals is a huge vegie plate and a pint of Hagen Daaz Gelato. So...I decided to do a detox while my hubby was out of town. $72.00 for what I felt was 4 days worth of fruits and vegetables. I did the detox. Only water, coffee or tea. Only vegetables or fruits. No sauces, no sugars, no condiments except herbs and spices. Every day about 3p, I started getting a headache. I would eat a piece of fruit. That wouldn't help. I decided after those 3 days that I am addicted to sugar. So I am now working my way to be sugar free with the exception of fruits. The holidays are proving challenging because of f...

Yoga for your Health-a-licious Body, Mind and Soul

     The beautiful thing about being Health-a-licious is that it can take place in your body, mind or soul or all at the same time. I often focus on body and mind because that is where I find I am most deficient. I have always had a strong faith and feel my soul is filled on a daily basis through prayer, reflection and meditation.      Yoga, takes the Health-a-licious trio to a new level. It works your body and slows down your mind. In yoga, the term "Monkey Mind", defines a mind that won't slow down. It has been said that our mind thinks 48.6 thoughts per minute. An average of 3,300 thoughts per hour and 70,000 thoughts per day. '      It is easy for us to be Human-Doings. It is our nature to "do" all day long. It is difficult to be a Human-Being and just be: even for a few moments throughout the day. A yoga instructor is your "tour-guide" to being-ness . A great instructor will help you get your body tired enough in 55 minutes to allow...

What I Have Gained and What I Have Lost Being Gluten-Free for 3 1/2 Years

        Gluten -Free is definitely a lifestyle. Like it or not you once you claim a gluten-free life, you have differentiated yourself from most of society. Some people have gone gluten-free due to GMO issues. Some because of the awful Celiac Disease. I personally decided to go gluten-free because of a nerve disorder that began taking charge of my life, Chronic Migraine Syndrome. Whatever your reason or your family members reason, know that we do it for the "Health-of-It". It is a difficult journey not only for you, but for those around you.          Sometimes family members feel they need to tip-toe around the subject. Most times, they want you to know that they understand your needs and want to accommodate you. If you are like me, deep inside, it bothers you immensely and hurts your heart that others feel they need to adjust their lifestyle for you. After a few years, people close to you begin to adapt their thinking and understand that a ...