So my hubby was selected by his company to be a lead in a certain group which meant he would be traveling for 4 days. Perfect, I thought. I will only eat vegies or fruit, and drink coffee, tea or water. My fav foods are vegies and fruit. I know I need protein so I eat it, but if I didn't have to I wouldn't eat it everyday. I love, vegies, fruit and desert. In fact one of my fav meals is a huge vegie plate and a pint of Hagen Daaz Gelato. So...I decided to do a detox while my hubby was out of town. $72.00 for what I felt was 4 days worth of fruits and vegetables. I did the detox. Only water, coffee or tea. Only vegetables or fruits. No sauces, no sugars, no condiments except herbs and spices. Every day about 3p, I started getting a headache. I would eat a piece of fruit. That wouldn't help. I decided after those 3 days that I am addicted to sugar. So I am now working my way to be sugar free with the exception of fruits. The holidays are proving challenging because of f...
Health-a-licious Body, Mind and Soul. Creating: Health-a-licious, delicious recipes for those with GF, Nitrate, and MSG food sensitivities, Using western and eastern natural healing processes with a food focus. Creating food to heal the mind, second-brain and body.
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