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Restaurant Servers & Gluten Free Eating, Human Nature & The Search for Answers

I read a blog this week of a server who wrote of her anger and disdain of restaurant goers who have food allergies. She specifically addressed gluten-free dieters and asked them to not eat at her restaurant. She said all gluten free folks should not attend a restaurant that serves bread or pasta just like those allergic to peanuts "don't go to a Thai restaurant".

I felt bad for her because she is probably young, probably angry that she has to be a server and may have received a few bad tips for her bad attitude. That blog may follow her the rest of her life.

Sad that we have to go through the hard times to appreciate people and their feelings. Stories of other's hardships often build compassion in us as humans, especially hardship of those to whom we are are close. Experience is how we as humans learn.

The great thing is that we are problem solvers. It is our nature to search and keep searching until we find an answer to a problem. We know the answer is out there we just have to find it.

This journey of discovering healthy delicious foods and trying to solve my health issues has come to an impasse. There is no easy solution to my health issues. No food, no vitamin, no juicing, no prescription will solve them.

I have been diagnosed with Chiari syndrome. It is a brain malformation where your brain stem or (cerebellum tonsils) literally spills over into your spinal column. I'd like to think that I was born so intelligent with such a big brain that my skull was not big enough to contain it. I often tell people that I may not look smart on the outside, but I sure am smart on the inside.

You see Chiari malformation causes many symptoms. One is constant stomach issues. Another is what my friend so lovingly called it, a brain fog. You easily forget things, can't find the right words to say, etc. I thought that was because of the migraine headaches I often have, but the headaches are also a symptom of the Chiari. What I have been told by a neurologist is that I have two types of headaches. One is a symptom of Chiari and one is hormonal. The hormonal seem to be the migraine headaches to me. Here is the kicker. The Chiari effects the hormones. What a hot mess, right?

P.S. Other symptoms of Chiari are moodiness, tendinitis, dizziness and loosing your balance.I will not list other symptoms here. It is too scary to mention for me yet.

In the diagnosing doctor's office, the assistant said.."You can not die from Chiari". I know she was probably saying that as one of her standard lines she shares with people to calm them from their devastating diagnosis. What she didn't say and I know to be true from my research is that you can die from the problems Chiari malformation causes in your body.

So, at least I know I don't have Alzheimer's which I thought I might be getting. I don't have a heart issue from my heart racing so fast I almost called an ambulance a month ago. The pains in my heart and my slurred words are all from the Chiari.

Now, how I wish it was only a stomach problem, right? I will continue this blog, because the stomach issues are not going away. Summer is coming and summer food. Can't wait to write about something I love. Veggies.  And..I just got my first gluten free cookbook. Yeah!

Have a Happy Healthy Day


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