I have been making fewer posts because I have had fewer food discoveries. One thing I have discovered is...If at first you don't succeed, try again. I have however, come to the conclusion that my homemade bread and crusts efforts are coming to an end. Each gluten-free bread has had a weird flavor and rubbery texture. Today we bought our first loaf gluten-free bread from the grocery. We will try it this week and let you know the results. New Experiments Tonight we tried Red Mill Pizza Crust mix again. We spread the dough thinner and cooked the dough, longer, but it still came out looking and tasting like a rubber Frisbee. Bummer. Still looking for a great gluten-free pizza crust. :( New Discoveries I have found a great discovery in Naked Juices. They make a few juices that do not contain mango an ingredient to which I am allergic. I read all the ingredients before I purchase. Today, I tried the Chocolate Banana Protein Juice. They do contain a litt...
Health-a-licious Body, Mind and Soul. Creating: Health-a-licious, delicious recipes for those with GF, Nitrate, and MSG food sensitivities, Using western and eastern natural healing processes with a food focus. Creating food to heal the mind, second-brain and body.