In the county town I live in we have 1 and 1/2 endocrinologists. 1 neurologist office and 1 pain specialist. In fact today, I was told that the doctors my PA (Physicians Assistant) tried to refer me to are not accepting new patients. You can imagine the hard time I have had finding doctors I like and who are knowledgeable. I have been looking for a natropath and the only one is one hour away. There are the general chiropractors and asyria specialists that sell vitamins and pills. I have tried those "healing" remedies from age 19-43 without any positive difference in health. To my delight and surprise, I was blessed to find a PA who believes in treating the whole person. Including recommending, natural vitamins and food. Today she confirmed that many people are now having a sensitivity to wheat. She said many people are going to the "clean" eating and are feeling better. She defined clean as "not processed foods". It seems difficult to cook"clean...
Health-a-licious Body, Mind and Soul. Creating: Health-a-licious, delicious recipes for those with GF, Nitrate, and MSG food sensitivities, Using western and eastern natural healing processes with a food focus. Creating food to heal the mind, second-brain and body.