I would venture to guess that you either love peppermint or hate it. There are not many in-betweeners, I have found. I always carry something made of peppermint in my purse. I believe a little "Peppermint makes everything better." A peppermint candy puts a smile on a child's face, a peppermint breath mint is refreshing, peppermint gum cleans your breath and teeth, fresh peppermint leaves smell earthy and heavenly all at the same time. For those of us with chronic migraines, peppermint does so much more. Peppermint essential oils , help to relax our brain and give us energy. Peppermint oils on our temples, give some symptom relief. For me, when a migraine is so intense that I ache from my head to my toes, I put a couple dabs of peppermint oil on my feet. My new favorite for migraine symptom relief is peppermint tea. I've learned in the last year or so that ginger root gives me a migraine if I don't already have one and increases a migraines' intensit
Health-a-licious Body, Mind and Soul. Creating: Health-a-licious, delicious recipes for those with GF, Nitrate, and MSG food sensitivities, Using western and eastern natural healing processes with a food focus. Creating food to heal the mind, second-brain and body.