We all have relationships with food. These relationships are constantly changing. Most of us have a love hate relationship. We love certain foods, but they don't love us. The foods we love are not good for our bodies. Or we eat too much of the food we love. We don't eat enough of the foods that are good for us. It is a constant struggle and test in self-discipline for most of our lives. I have found throughout the last eight months and the elimination diet that I have gained 15 lbs because I am trying to replace the foods I love with other foods. I gave up all Tyramine rich foods, all processed foods, all sugar additives, all MSG, all aged foods and all nuts. I have found that a migraine trigger for me is nuts. Almonds and peanut butter seem to be the biggest triggers. I couldn't believe it. I have eaten peanut butter my entire life. The great news with adding foods back in from eight months of elimination is that you rediscover foods you have loved and forgot you l...
Health-a-licious Body, Mind and Soul. Creating: Health-a-licious, delicious recipes for those with GF, Nitrate, and MSG food sensitivities, Using western and eastern natural healing processes with a food focus. Creating food to heal the mind, second-brain and body.